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Debunk The Myth- Why Is Lemon Water NOT Acidic To Your Stomach?

By Lusea Lu / August 17, 2015

A common concern with drinking lemon water first thing in the morning is that it contains acid and your stomach might have an issue with that.

While outside the body, lemon juice is acidic. Once you drink the acidic lemon water, it will become alkaline as your body reacts with the lemon’s anions during the digestive process. Inside the body, when lemon juice has been completely metabolized and its minerals are separated in the circulation system, its impact is alkalizing and in this manner raises the pH of the body (pH over 7 is alkaline).


A fresh lemon added to your drinking water will also, eventually, make your purified drinking water more alkaline. Though it seems counter-intuitive to think that adding an acidic lemon to your purified drinking water could ultimately produce an alkaline result, it’s important to remember that fresh lemons are also anionic. Use fresh lemons that haven’t been exposed to air for more than 30 minutes — not lemon juice purchased at the store or lemons that have been cut up and sitting out in the open at a restaurant all day.

Check Out The 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Lemon Water In the Morning



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