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The Unexamined Myth Of Protein Deficiency For Plant-Based Diet

By Lusea Lu / August 5, 2015

Protein is not the issue

While eating enough calories and macronutrients is important, protein is not one of the nutrients that anyone needs to be worried about if they’re not in a true famine. In fact, eating too much protein for your needs will cause health issues that you don’t want to have such as obesity, kidney problems, heart problems and even cancer. Other long term illnesses resulting from too much protein are neurological issues, gout, and insulin resistance. When looking at the science it’s clear that protein is not something a person living in a culture with an abundance of natural organic fruits and vegetables needs to be concerned with.

People will challenge you because they don’t want themselves to be challenged

Finally, you just gotta understand that a lot of times people challenge you about your food choice because they don’t want their own dietary habits to be challenged. After all, the meat industry is a multi-billion dollar business, and companies are spending million and millions of dollars on advertisement and “education” on what is healthy and what is not. Yet, no food companies can claim ownership over Nature and it’s foods. (except Monsanto) Do you think the factory farms want you to stop eating those toxin and antibiotics injected chicken, pigs and cows and become a peace loving, plant-eating vegetarian? Of course not! At the end of the day, it’s important that we take our health into our own hands because only YOU have your own best interest in mind, not the food industry. Remember, food is your medicine. Use it well!

till wondering if how to get your protein needs met through fruits and vegetables?

In our final section, we’ll give you the 7 plant protein sources that you can readily use


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